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金工实训 第3版 颜伟,张巍艺,熊娟 主编 2017年版

金工实训 第3版  
作者:颜伟,张巍艺,熊娟 主编  
项目一 钳工实训 
Item 1 Bench Training 
一、实训要求Requirements of the Training 
二、相关知识点Related Knowledge 
技能训练一 锉削钢六 角工件 
Training 1 Filing Hexagon Workpiece 
技能训练二 锉削工件的曲面 
Training 2 Filing the Curve Surface of Workpiece 
技能训练三 制作普通榔头 
Training 3 Making a Conventional Hammer 
技能训练四 制作鸭嘴榔头 
Training 4 Making of the Duck—mouth Like Hammer 
技能训练五 锉配凹凸体工件 
Training 5 Filing a Pair of Concave and Prominent Workpieces 
项目二 车削实训 
Item 2 Turning Training 
一、实训要求Requirements of the Training 
二、相关知识点Related Knowledge 
技能训练一 车床操作 
Training 1 Lathe Operation 
技能训练二 车刀的刃磨及其安装 
Training 2 Gdnditig and Installing of a Tool 
技能训练三 轴类零件车削 
Training 3 Turning Shafts 
技能训练四 销轴零件的车削 
Training 4 Turning the Pin Components 
技能训练五 盘套类零件车削 
Training 5 Turning the Plate and Sleeve Components 
技能训练六 调整垫圈车削 
Training 6 Turning a Washer Used for Adjustment 
技能训练七 圆锥车削 
Training 7 Turning Taper 
技能训练八 圆锥零件车削 
Training 8 Turning the Taper Component 
技能训练九 螺纹零件的车削 
Training 9 Turning the Thread Component 
Training 10 Turning the Contour Component 
技能训练十一 偏心零件的车削 
Training 11 Turning the Eccentric Component 
技能训练十二 轴类零件车削综合训练 
Training 12 The Comprehensive Training for Shaft Component Turning 
项目三 铣削实训 
Item 3 Milling Training 
一、实训要求Requirements of the Training 
二、相关知识点Related Knowledge 
技能训练一 铣床操作 
Training 1 The Milling Machine Operation 
技能训练二 平面铣削 
Training 2 The Plane Milling 
技能训练三 沟、槽铣削 
Training 3 Milling the Ditch and the Groove 
技能训练四 典型零件铣削 
Training 4 Milling of the Typical Parts 
项目四 磨削实训 
Item 4 Grinding Training 
一、实训要求Requirements of the Training 
二、相关知识点Related Knowledge 
技能训练一 外圆磨床的操作、调整及维护保养 
Training 1 The Operation,Adjustment and Maintenance of the Circular 
Grinding Machine 
技能训练二 在磨床上正确装夹工件 
Training 2 Assembly and Fixing the Workpiece on the Grinder 
技能训练三 磨削外圆柱面 
Training 3 Grinding the Cylinder Surface 
技能训练四 磨削平面 
Training 4 Grinding the Plane 
技能训练五 磨削综合训练 
Training 5 Comprehensive Training on Milling 
项目五 焊接实训 
Item 5 Welding Training 
一、实训要求Requirements of the Training 
二、相关知识点Related Knowledge 
技能训练一 低碳钢板对接平焊 
Training 1 The Horizontal Upset Welding of Low Carbon Steel Sheet 
技能训练二 低碳钢板T形接头平焊 
Training 2 The Horizontal T-type Connector Welding of Less 
技能训练三 低碳钢板对接立焊 
Training 3 The Vertical Upset Welding of LCSS 
技能训练四 低合金钢板对接横焊 
Training 4 The Horizontal Upset Welding of Low Alloy Steel Sheet 
技能训练五 低碳钢板对接气焊 
Training 5 The Gas Welding of LCSS 
技能训练六 钨极氩弧焊操作 
Training 6 Gas Tungsten-are Welding 
技能训练七 CO2气体保护焊的操作 
Training 7 C02 Gas Metal—are Welding 
技能训练八 埋弧焊的操作——低碳钢板对接平焊 
Training 8 Submerged Arc Welding——Horizontal Upset Welding of LCSS 
项目六 铸造实训 
Item 6 Casting Training 
一、实训要求Requirements of the Training 
二、相关知识点Related Knowledge 
技能训练一 铸造企业参观实习 
Training 1 Visiting a Cast Enterprise 
技能训练二 手工整模造型 
Training 2 Manual Single Mold Forming 
项目七 现代制造技术认识实训 
Item 7 Modern Manufacturing Technology Training 
一、实训要求Requirements of the Training 
二、相关知识点Related Knowledge 
技能训练一 数控车床基本操作 
Training 1 The Fundamental Operation of NC Lathe 
技能训练二 数控铣床基本操作 
Training 2 The Fundamental Operation of NC Milling Machine 
技能训练三 认识数控加工中心 
Training 3 The Cognition of NC Machining Center 

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