│ └0000-What is After Effects.mov
│ ├0001-Welcome.mov
│ └0002-Project Tracking and Advanced 3D.mov
│ ├0101-The six foundations of AE.mov
│ ├0102-Introducing the interface and the workspace.mov
│ ├0103-Understanding compositions.mov
│ ├0104-Getting comfortable with layers.mov
│ ├0105-Getting started with animation and keyframes.mov
│ ├0106-Understanding effects.mov
│ ├0107-Moving in 3D space.mov
│ ├0108-Rendering your first animation.mov
│ ├0109-Specifying preferences and cache settings.mov
│ └0110-Staying organized.mov
│ ├0201-Creating compositions.mov
│ ├0202-Importing footage and compositions.mov
│ ├0203-Preparing compositions for animation.mov
│ ├0204-Introducing renderers.mov
│ ├0205-Understanding precomposing.mov
│ └0206-Relinking missing footage.mov
│ ├0301-Defining layers.mov
│ ├0302-Creating type.mov
│ ├0303-Creating layer solids and shapes with masks.mov
│ ├0304Building shape layers-.mov
│ ├0305-Understanding switches and blend modes.mov
│ ├0306-Crafting custom shapes and masks.mov
│ ├0307-Creating variable-width feathered masks.mov
│ ├0308-Rotoscoping with the Roto Brush.mov
│ └0309-Refining with the Roto Brush.mov
│ ├0401-Understanding keyframes.mov
│ ├0402-Adding and adjusting keyframes.mov
│ ├0403-Interpolating keyframes.mov
│ ├0404-Adjusting keyframes in the Graph Editor.mov
│ ├0405-Understanding positional keyframes.mov
│ ├0406-Controlling animation with parenting and the pick whip.mov
│ ├0407-Understanding animation paths.mov
│ ├0408-Timing to audio.mov
│ ├0409-Trimming and sliding edits.mov
│ └0410-Swapping images.mov
│ ├0501-Swapping images.mov
│ ├0502-Generating graphic effects with adjustment layers.mov
│ ├0503-Building backgrounds with effects.mov
│ └0504-Creating animated strokes.mov
│ ├0601-Introducing cameras.mov
│ ├0602-Working with 3D layer.mov
│ ├0603-Positioning layers.mov
│ ├0604-Adding lights and working with Material Options.mov
│ ├0605-Using 3D precompositions.mov
│ └0606-Adjusting depth of field.mov
│ ├0701-Caching and prerendering.mov
│ ├0702-Understanding the alpha channels.mov
│ ├0703-Using the Render Queue.mov
│ ├0704-Rendering with Adobe Media Encoder.mov
│ └0705-Archiving finished projects.mov
│ ├0801-Creating type animators.mov
│ ├0802-Animating type in 3D space.mov
│ ├0803-Composing 3D type.mov
│ ├0804-Adding and animating type on a path.mov
│ └0805-Animating shape layers.mov
│ ├0901-Creating stylized video.mov
│ ├0902-Retiming video footage.mov
│ ├0903-Retouching with the Rubber Stamp tool.mov
│ └0904-Smoothing shaky camera footage.mov
│ ├1001-Understanding keying.mov
│ ├1002-Creating a garbage mask.mov
│ └1003-Getting started with Keylight.mov
│ ├1101-Importing Photoshop documents.mov
│ ├1102-Importing Illustrator files.mov
│ └1103-Working With Premiere Pro projects.mov
│ ├1201-Adjusting ray-tracing quality.mov
│ ├1202-Tracking footage.mov
│ ├1203-Extruding shapes.mov
│ ├1204-Bending layers.mov
│ ├1205-Adjusting ray-traced lighting and materials.mov
│ ├1206-Adding environment maps.mov
│ ├1207-Beginning compositing.mov
│ ├1208-Creating render passes.mov
│ └1209-Building a final composite.mov
│ └1301-What\’s next.mov
│ └Ex_Files_AE_CS6_EssT.zip