第1章A General Introduction to the Course
第2章Unit 1 An Introduction to Business Correspondence
02-01The Principles of Business Letters
02-02The Structure and Styles of Business Letters
02-03Arrange the Structure of the Letter and Address the Envelope
第3章Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations
03-01How to Seek New Customer?
03-02Writing Business-establishing Letter
03-03ISAS about Seeking New Customer
03-04A Survey of Trade Fair
03-05Seeking New Customers on Trade Fair
第4章Unit 3 Enquiry
04-01Principle and Structure of Enquiry Letter
04-02Reply to Enquiry Letter
04-03Structure and Expressions
04-04Principle of Enquiry Letter
04-05Structure of Enquiry Letter
第5章Unit 4 Offer and Counter-offer
05-01Offer (Principle and Structure of Offer Letter)
05-02Counter-offer (Principle and Structure of Counter-offer Letter)
05-03Principle of Offer letter
05-04Structure of Offer Letter
05-05Principle of Counter-offer Letter
05-06Structure of Counter-offer Letter
第6章Unit 5 Order and Contract
06-03Placing Order
06-04Acceptance and Decline
第7章Unit 6 Payment
07-01Basic Knowledge of International Payment
07-02Urging the Buyer to Establish the L/C
07-03Choosing the Proper Methods
07-04Urging the Buyer to Establish the L/C
07-05Checks and Amendments of the L/C
第8章Unit 7 Shipment and Packing
08-03Shipping Advice
08-04Urging for Shipment
08-05Packing Condition
第9章Unit 8 Insurance
09-01Insurance (1)
09-03Asking the Seller to Cover Insurance
09-04Informing the Coverage Adopted
09-05Reply to a Request for Excessive Insurance
第10章Unit 9 Complaint and Claim
10-01Complaint and Claim
10-02Reply to the Complaint and Claim
10-03Complaint and Claim
10-04Reply to Complaint and Claim: Accepting Requests
10-05Reply to Complaint and Claim: Rejecting Requests
第11章Unit 10 Other Trading Practices
11-01Agency, Processing and Assembling Trade
11-02Joint Venture , Compensation Trade, Barter, Leasing and Technology Trade
11-03Applying for Being an Agent
第12章Exercise, Test and Relavant matierial
12-03Relavant material
《外贸函电英语》PPT课件 贺雪娟 长沙民政职业技术学院