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21世纪先进制造技术丛书 微纳米硫系固体润滑 英文版 王海斗等著 2011年版

21世纪先进制造技术丛书 微纳米硫系固体润滑 英文版 
作者: 王海斗等著  
  Haidou Wang和BinshiXu等编著的《微纳米硫系固体润滑》共七章,深入系统地介绍了硫系固体润滑材料(膜层)的制备方法及工艺,微观表征与摩擦学性能考核,减摩机理与模型等,包含了作者的研究心得和对固体润滑材料的深入思考。书中大部分内容都是作者所在课题组的直接研究成果,许多成果都以SCI、EI论文的形式在国内外知名期刊上发表,论文总数接近50篇。 
Chapter 1 Solid Lubrication Materials 
1.1 Overview of Solid Lubrication 
1.1.1 Introduction 
1.1.2 Adhesive Wear and Scuffing of Metals and Methods of Prevention 
1.1:3 Solid Lubrication 
1.2 SoftMetal 
1.2.1 Crystal Structure 
1.2.2 Physical and Chemical Properties 
1.2.3 Lubrication Mechanism 
1.3 Metal Compounds 
1.3.1 FeS 
1.3.2 MoS2 
1.3.3 WS2 
1.3.4 ZnS 
1.4 Inorganic Solid Lubricant 
1.4.1 Graphite 
1.4.2 BN 
1.5 Organic Solid Lubricant 
1.5.1 Polytetrafluoroethylene 
1.5.2 Polythene 
1.5.3 Nylon 
1.5.4 Polyformaldehyde 
1.5.5 Phenol Formaldehyde Resin 
1.5.6 Epoxide Resin 
1.6 Conclusion 
Chapter 2 Solid Lubrication FeS Film Prepared by Ion Sulfuration 
2.1 The Microstructure of Solid Fes 
2.1.1 Surface Morphologies of Solid Fes 
2.1.2 Phase Structures of Solid Fes 
2.1.3 TEM Morphologies of Solid Fes 
2.1.4 Analysis of Electron Diffraction 
2.2 The Formation of Iron Sulfuration Layer 
2.2.2 Surface Morphologies of Sulfuration Layers 
2.2.3 Composition on the Sulfurized Steel Surface 
2.2.4 Phase Structure of Sulfide Layer at Different Sulfurizing Time 
2.2.5 Formation Mechanism of Sulfurized Layer 
2.3 Characterization of Ion Sulfurized Layer 
2.3.1 Characterization of Sulfurized Layer on 1045 and 52100 Steels 
2.3.2 Characterization of Sulfurized Layer on Four Kinds of Steels 
2.4 Tribological Properties of Sulfurized Layers 
2.4.1 Tribological Properties of Sulfurized Layers on 1045 and 52100 Steels 
2.4.2 Tribological Properties of Sulfide Layer on Four Kinds of Steel 
2.5 Influencing Factors of the Microstructures and Tribological Properties on 
2.5.1 Effect of the Substrate State on the Sulfide Layer on 1045 Steel 
2.5.2 Effect of Environment Temperature on the Sulfurized Layer on 
2.5.3 Effect of Wear Conditions on the Tribological Behaviors of Sulfurized 
Chapter 3 Fes Solid Lubrication Film Prepared by a Two-step Method 
3.1 Radio-frequency (RF) Sputtering + Sulfurizing Combined Treatment 
3.2 Shot-peening + Ion Sulfuration Combined Treatment 
3.2.3 Tribological Properties of Sulfide Layer 
3.3 Nitriding + Sulfurizing Combined Treatment 
3.3.1 1045 Steel Nitriding + Sulfurizing Combined Treatment 
3.3.2 Gray Cast-iron NiLriding + Sulfurizing Combined Treatment 
3.4 Nitrocarburizing + Sulfurizing Combined Treatment 
3.5 Thermal Spraying 3Cr13 Steel Coating + Sulfurizing Combined 
3.5.2 High-velocity Arc Spraying 
Chapter 4 Fes Solid Lubrication Layer Prepared by Other Methods 
Chapter 5 Micron-nano Mos2 Solid Lubrication Film 
Chapter 6 Micron-nano WS2 Solid Lubrication Film 
ChaDter 7 Micron-nano ZnS Solid Lubrication Film 

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