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《飞行器稳定性与操纵性(英)》PPT课件 刘艳 西北工业大学

课程简介及基本概念(Introduction and Basic Concepts) 
掌握课程的基本概念及目标Master the basic concepts and objectives of the course 
1.1 课程简介(Introduction) 
1.2 飞行品质(Flying qualities) 
1.3 轴系与符号(Axes and notations) 
纵向静稳定性 (Longitudinal Static Stability) 
掌握纵向静稳定性的定义与判断准则、飞机各部件对稳定性的影响及全机稳定性Master the definition and criteria of longitudinal static stability  contributions of aircraft components to stability  and the stability of the whole aircraft. 
2.1 纵向静稳定性与准则 (Longitudinal stability and criterion) 
2.2 机翼与机身的贡献 (Wing and fuselage contribution) 
2.3 平尾贡献 (Tail contribution) 
2.4 推进系统贡献 (Power system contribution) 
2.5 全机稳定性与中性点 (Total stability and neutral point) 
纵向操纵 (Longitudinal Control) 
掌握纵向的操纵方式、平衡曲线及操纵力Master the longitudinal control method  trim curve and control force 
3.1 纵向操纵方式 (Longitudinal control options ) 
3.2 纵向配平 (Longitudinal trim) 
3.3 配平曲线 (Trim curve) 
3.4 地面效应 (Ground Effect) 
3.5 铰链力矩与操纵力 (Hinge moment and control force) 
重心位置与范围 (CG Locations and Limits) 
掌握纵向一些重要的重心位置及允许的重心范围Master some important longitudinal CG locations and permissible CG range 
4.1 松杆中性点 (Stick free neutral point) 
4.2 机动点 (Maneuver point) 
4.3 机动性 (Maneuverability) 
4.4 放宽静稳定性 (Relaxed static stability) 
4.5 重心范围 (CG limits) 
航向静稳定性 (Directional Static Stability) 
掌握航向静稳定性定义及判断准则、各部件对稳定性贡献Master the definition and criteria of directional static stability and the contribution of each component to stability 
5.1 航向静稳定性与准则 (Directional static stability and criterion) 
5.2 机翼贡献 (Wing contribution) 
5.3 尾翼贡献 (Tail contribution) 
5.4 推进系统贡献 (Power system contribution) 
5.5 全机航向静稳定性 (Whole directional stability) 
航向操纵与横向操稳特性 (Directional Control and Lateral Stability and Control) 
掌握航向操纵方式及操纵要求、横向静稳定性的定义与准则、各部件贡献及横向操纵面Master the directional control method and requirements  the definition and criteria of lateral static stability  the contribution of each component and the lateral control surface 
6.1 航向操纵面 (Directional control surfaces) 
6.2 航向操纵要求 (Directional control requirements) 
6.3 横向静稳定性与准则 (Lateral static stability and criterion) 
6.4 机翼贡献 (Wing contribution) 
6.5 横向操纵面 (Lateral control) 
坐标轴系及运动方程 (Axes and Equation of Motion) 
掌握常用坐标轴系、坐标变换方法、运动方程的建立、线化及求解方法Master the common axes system  axes transformation method; modeling  linearization and solution of equation of motion  
7.1 坐标轴系 (Axes system) 
7.2 坐标变换 (Axes Transformation) 
7.3 运动方程 (Equation of motion) 
7.4 运动方程的解 (Solutions of EOM) 
7.5 小扰动理论 (Small disturbance theory) 
7.6 特征值与动稳定性 (Eigenvalue and dynamic stability) 
模态及要求 (Modes and Requirements) 
掌握固定翼飞机的典型特征根及对应的模态Master the typical eigenvalue and corresponding modes of fixed wing aircraft 
8.1 典型特征根与模态 (Typical eigenvalues and modes) 
8.2 短周期模态 (Short-period mode) 
8.3 长周期模态 (Phugoid mode) 
8.4 滚转收敛模态 (Roll-subsidence mode) 
8.5 荷兰滚模态 (Dutch-roll mode) 
8.6 螺旋模态 (Spiral mode) 

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